Chillis are an excellent source of capsaicin, a substance that offers them a pungency and produces a mild to intense spice when eaten. Studies have shown that capsaicin is useful for treating sensory nerve disorders such as pain related to arthritis, psoriasis, diabetic neuropathy, etc.
6. Act As Natural Pain Relief
Health experts have recognised topical capsaicin as a treatment option for patients suffering from osteoarthritis pain. Many review studies related to pain management for diabetic neuropathy have listed the advantages of topical capsaicin for relieving pain associated with this condition.
7. Help In Clearing Congestion
Capsaicin can help to minimize pain. Its peppery heart causes secretions that clear mucus from congested lungs or a stuffed nose.
8. Weight Loss
The heat that you feel after eating chilli peppers takes energy and calories to be produced. Studies have shown that even sweet red peppers contain substances that increase thermogenesis(heat production) and oxygen consumption for a period more than 20 minutes after they are consumed.
9. They Have Cardiovascular Benefits
Dried chillies of certain varieties such as cayenne help to minimise cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation. They also increase your body’s ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance that leads to the formation of blood clots. Consuming food items in which hot pepper is commonly used are less vulnerable to heart attack, pulmonary embolism and stroke.