9 Amazing Benefits of Using Dried Chillies

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Hot peppers or chillies, whatever you want to call it, will not change the fact that it is everybody’s favourite. People all over the world are loving hot foods and want to experiment more than just eating bland foods. Chillies are mainly used as a spice and can be cooked, dried or eaten just like that.

If you want to buy dried chillies, you can do so and store them for a long. Capsaicin is the main component found in chilli peppers and is solely responsible for its unique and pungent taste and smell and also makes it healthy to consume. You can use it in curries, soups or any other meal of your choice.

Chillies don’t have a particular recipe, and you can experiment the way you like it. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and also since it is eaten it less quantity, it balances out your nutrient intake.

This may sound completely ironic, but the capsaicin present in chillies acts as an anti-irritant. Research also claims that chilli peppers can be very much beneficial to reduce ulcers.

But, doctors have always suggested that if you have an ulcer problem, you must stay away from the hot peppers. And, actual research says that it can help with ulcers. It also helps to keep your digestive system healthy, helps with internal gas and other stomach problem.

You must buy dried chillies and use it in your everyday food to enhance your meals as well keep your digestive system healthy.

Dried chillies of certain varieties such as cayenne help to minimise cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation. They also increase your body’s ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance that leads to the formation of blood clots. Consuming food items in which hot pepper is commonly used are less vulnerable to heart attack, pulmonary embolism and stroke.


4. Fights With Cold And Flu

Research says that hot peppers help in boosting your immunity and are beneficial to fight off the cold and flu. The nasal sprays that you buy from the market also contain capsaicin to help you with the congestion. Consumption of hot peppers helps fight the pathogens and other irritants that may cause flu and the common cold. So, make sure you consume hot peppers in your everyday diet.

Chillis are an excellent source of capsaicin, a substance that offers them a pungency and produces a mild to intense spice when eaten. Studies have shown that capsaicin is useful for treating sensory nerve disorders such as pain related to arthritis, psoriasis, diabetic neuropathy, etc.

6. Act As Natural Pain Relief

Health experts have recognised topical capsaicin as a treatment option for patients suffering from osteoarthritis pain. Many review studies related to pain management for diabetic neuropathy have listed the advantages of topical capsaicin for relieving pain associated with this condition.

7. Help In Clearing Congestion

Capsaicin can help to minimize pain. Its peppery heart causes secretions that clear mucus from congested lungs or a stuffed nose.

8. Weight Loss

The heat that you feel after eating chilli peppers takes energy and calories to be produced. Studies have shown that even sweet red peppers contain substances that increase thermogenesis(heat production) and oxygen consumption for a period more than 20 minutes after they are consumed.

9. They Have Cardiovascular Benefits

Dried chillies of certain varieties such as cayenne help to minimise cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation. They also increase your body’s ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance that leads to the formation of blood clots. Consuming food items in which hot pepper is commonly used are less vulnerable to heart attack, pulmonary embolism and stroke.

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