Known for their love of spices, Moroccans pay a great deal of attention to freshly ground spices and growing and harvesting the best for grinding.
Generations of spice farmers learn the art of spice producing and mixing. This is most commonly the case with saffron. Worth its weight in gold, saffron is the most expensive and highly sought-after spice in the world.
Not only an investment in their cuisine, but much of the country's business is also due to spice growing, producing, and trading. Most commonly around Morocco, you'll find black pepper, turmeric, and ginger.
The most authentic saffron in the world is obtained from a small town in Morocco called Taliouine, located at the base of the Sirwa Mountains. This town is proud of its history with this rich spice so if you're ever in town, visit the local stalls to get a tour of the farms and learn a little more about its rich history.